Return & Exchange

1. Return & Exchange

You may return all new items within 15 days of delivery for a refund or exchange. Your item must have all product tags intact along with its original packaging.

Return eligibility:

  1. Wrong item delivered
  2. Wrong item variant e.g. colour, item design delivered
  3. Defective/damaged item
  4. Missing item in order
  5. Item lost during delivery

Return & Exchange Process

To initiate a return or exchange, please contact us at Provide photographic evidence of the item (to verify item condition), reason for return and your order ID to our customer care representative.

Please pack the item securely, including all original packaging and tags. Drop off the package at the local post office by presenting your free return label (label to be provided by customer care representative), once we receive the return your refund or exchange will be issued. 

Shipping Costs

Return shipping is free unless communicated otherwise.

2. Refund Processing Time

Once your return is received, we will process your refund within 24 hours. The refund will be issued via the original payment method.

3. Delayed/Lost Packages 

All Paris Republica orders are insured. Rarely, orders can be delayed/stuck/lost in transit. In such cases customers are refunded 100%. 

4. Contact Information

If you have any questions about our return policy, please email us at